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Djinn Guide
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Visual Walkthrough
Story And Prologue
When you get to Kolima, you will realize that everyone has been turned into a tree.
You realize that when Ivan mindreads the tree.
Then Tret tries to turn you into trees, but you psynergy protects you.
There's not much to do in Kolima. However, there are a few items and a djinni.
There's an apple behind the big tree.
There's an herb in the barrel by the tree that the djinni is next too.
And least important, there's 7 coins at the top of the weapons and armor tree.
To get to the djinni that's in the fence...
...Go in the back door of the tree it's next to
which will lead you into a cave.
Go West, then North,
then East, then South,
then West to the stairs,
which will come out right by the venus djinni Granite. Now you can leave the way you came and head North to Kolima Forest.
<World Map
Kolima Forest>