Now, leave the inn. You'll notice the guy that's supposed to be fixing the
roof is gone. So climb into the hole.
You'll see a box.
Use move on the box
to go into the next room
You'll see the man again. He's tied up, so go untie him.
And here come the thieves!
After a long descussion,
they'll fight you. The battle shouldn't be too tough. Save Isaac's
psynergy for healing and have him attack with Flint, and the summon Venus. After you win
you'll get Bandit's Sword. Make sure you equip it afterwords.
After you win, the mayor will talk to you. Ivan get's Hammets rod, and
leaves toward Lunpa to rescue Hammet.
Don't forget to stop by at the mayors house (where you met Ivan). You'll
get a water of life. Now you're done in Vault. You can stay in the in if you need to heal,
then head out to Goma Cave.